Paired donation program, Kidney paired donation is an option for living donor pairs who are not compatible with each other. Previously, people with kidney failure who had an incompatible donor(s) needed to wait for a deceased donor. This wait can be lengthy. However, with kidney paired donation, kidneys can be “exchanged” between pairs, making multiple compatible living donor transplants possible.
California Pacific Medical Center is at the forefront of kidney paired donation. Our team performed its first paired donor transplant in 2003 and made history in 2011 as the first California transplant program to perform 5 paired donor transplants in one day. Our team is also part of a UNOS Kidney Paired Donation pilot program.
While it is not possible to find a compatible donor-recipient pair for everyone interested in a paired donation, enrollment in this program could make an excellent opportunity available.
How Does a Kidney Paired Donation Work?
Closed Loop Paired Donation
A traditional or "closed-loop" paired donation consists of two or more donor/recipient pairs whose blood types are not compatible with each other.
In the illustration below, the donor is not compatible with the recipient in Pairs A and B. However, the donor in Pair A is compatible with the recipient in Pair B. Conversely, the donor in Pair B is compatible with the recipient in Pair A.
Living Donor Chain
The second type of paired donation is the “never-ending” living donor chain. This type of paired donation begins with a non-directed (or altruistic) donor. These donors volunteer to give one of their kidneys to anyone in need, understanding the great need for transplantable kidneys in the U.S. All non-directed donors are screened thoroughly from both medical and psychosocial perspectives. If the donor is deemed a good candidate, that individual’s name is entered into a donor registry. This registry then identifies a living donor chain where the donor’s kidney is given to a recipient. That recipient’s incompatible donor then gives his/her kidney to another recipient, thereby triggering a chain reaction that can lead to countless numbers of transplants.
If you and your donor are willing to participate in a kidney paired donation or chain, a comprehensive evaluation process begins. California Pacific's Kidney Team will complete final medical tests and schedule the transplant on a date that works with everyone.
Why is a Living Donor Transplant Better?
Kidney paired donation benefits individuals awaiting a kidney transplant as it can make a compatible living donor transplant possible. A living donor transplant offers better success compared to a transplant from a deceased donor. The shorter wait for a transplant with a living donor also provides a substantial benefit.
What Do I Need to Do?
Patients who are evaluated at California Pacific Medical Center, part of the Sutter Health network, are offered the option of participating in our Kidney Paired Donation Program if their living donor(s) is not compatible. Once test results confirm incompatibility with your living donor(s), the Kidney Team will offer to add your names to our Kidney Paired Donation (KPD) listing. This list helps find sets of donor/recipient pairs who can “swap” kidneys. This enables you to donate to another recipient while ensuring that your recipient also receives a living donor transplant.
Can Donors and Recipients Meet?
We assume that the donor and recipient pairs will want to keep their privacy. If all individuals involved in the exchange want to meet each other, the Kidney Team can arrange it.
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